I Need A Break
I have been in this "zero productivity" phase lately, partly because my boss is away again (yeah!), partly because my experiments suck. No positive results for a while now, which makes me really frustrated. Besides, I feel very sleepy around 4 pm. This is rare.
I think I need a break from work. Last summer I took a 2-week vacation to California and Las Vegas and that was so much fun! Most memorable things:
the music fountain in Las Vegas:

Dante's Point in the Death Valley:

the sea beside the No.1 highway from San Francisco to LA:

and the Back to the Future + Shrek 3D in Universal Studio:

Wish I could go back again!
Oh, a little story about the radio war.
Today, when I came back from my lunch break (which lasted for about 2 hours), no one was in the lab. I change the radio station to Classic FM, and surfed the internet for a while. Then I got sleepy. My eyes kept closing. So I laid my head on the desk and napped a little bit. When I woke up, F had come back and naturally, the radio had been changed to "93Q, the top hit music station!"
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