Wednesday, July 28, 2004

This Old Machine

I spent all my evening trying to clean up my roommate's (ancient) laptop.

I don't know what he did, but his computer was filledwith adware, spyware and other trojans, which made his already slow laptop painfully, painfully slooooooooow. Besides the unbearable slowness, there were hundreds of pop-up windows popping up out of nowhere every several seconds, basically covered up his desktop.


So I tried several different removal software to kill them. Spybot found 56, Ad-ware found 968, after over 4 hours of scanning! But it was not over yet. The hugest blow came right after Ad-ware finished searching: the computer frozed! I could do nothing but reboot, and all the scan result was lost. I had to scan it again!

I felt exhausted. I felt defeated, by this old machine.

The take-home lesson: Customer Service is a tough job.


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