Saturday, December 04, 2004

Update Freak

I am an update freak.

I like software with the "Check for Update" option. I like clicking "Update Now!" buttons. I like seeing dialogue boxes with inviting "Update Availalbe! Download?" messages. I like watching rapidly growing progress meters. I like these so much that I check many many times a day.

In fact, anytime I unnecessarily open a new tab but don't really have anywhere to go, I will subconsciously click that dot-circle icon at the upper-right corner of Firefox to go to its homepage and click "extensions" to see if there's any new ones. Or, at other mind-blank moments, I will open Norton Antivirus or Lavasoft Ad-ware or Spybot or Spywareblaster to check for new updates.

It's like using CPU idle time to search for ETs or attack SPAM servers.

It worries me that I spend so much time on just checking for updates. To open and close these programs alone takes a lot of time and energy. So I think there should be a program to automatically check, download and install updates of all the updatable software installed on my harddrive, with just one convenient click.

One thing I hate about updates is that sometimes I can't download them. Like today, I found out there was a security update for Mac OS X. I wanted to install it on our lab Mac but I couldn't, because I didn't have the privilege to change any system files. I hate this powerless feeling.

Life is hard for an update freak.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am just the opposite. Luckily my laptop will prompt me automatically whenever there is a relevant update so I don't bother checking out any updates.

I think this might be the sympton of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder? Haha, just kidding... We've got to be obsessed about *something* Yours happens to be a good one :-)

6:17 PM  
Blogger Lei said...

I thought I had this "Obsessive Compulsive Disorder" too. But after a thorough self-diagnosis, I concluded I just had too much free time.

12:06 AM  

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