I Bought A Digital Camera!
Yes. Finally I bought it. Well, it's kind of an impulse purchase, since I don't really need it that urgently. Besides, there hasn't been any really good deal on DC recently. So theoretically, I should have waited. But, I have been pondering upon this for about a month now and I just can't wait any longer. So I bought it. And if you think about it, one month is too long for an "impulse", so it doesn't qualify as an impulse purchase.
OK. It's a Minolta Z1.

It has 10X optical zoom! That's the main reason I bought it. Other features are also good. Reviews are good. My friend has one and I like it. So I bought it.
I also bought a 256MB SD card. Oh, because the 32MB SD card on that site was free after rebate, so I got one of those too.
Probably I will get them next week. Kinda high now.
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