Stress Can Kill You! Or At Least Your Telomeres
It's official: Stress damages your DNA, or, more scientifically and less sensationally, your DNA's ends-telomeres.
So, people, don't worry, be happy, longer telomeres make you more healthy.
It's official: Stress damages your DNA, or, more scientifically and less sensationally, your DNA's ends-telomeres.
Our shaker was broken.
The latest issue of the journal Science, under Random Samples/People/Misfortunes, tells a story about how an overflowed river brought "misfortunes" to a population geneticist by flooding his lab and drowning one third of his fruit flies.
Friday is our lab's "paper day". Each week, one of us picks a research paper and leads the group to discuss it.
The Genetics Lab has two sections: Wendnesday and Thurday. Feng is Wendnesday's TA. I am the Thurday's.
The Genetics Lab is split into two parts. My boss teaches the first half. Dr. H the second.
You can tell the personalities of the students just by looking through their exams. When they don't know the answer to a question, they can be regretful, resentful or playful.
Today, after discussing my work progress, my boss says:"You can graduate next year."
My boss is eager to see Bush got kicked out of his office. That's why the first thing he did this morning was to vote.